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just a bricolo...

INRAE, UR 0767 Ecodéveloppement Avignon

Yet another person itisosbourneozzytime
Approximately 7 years of international experience in the sphere of data science and data analytics.
Science而后行 allen7u
Independent Researcher


Mainak Ghosh ghoshmainak
PhD Student at the intersection of ML and NLP

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

Claudiu Petrule cpetrule

@leibniz-psychology Trier, Germany

Robert Rose rrose87
Postdoctoral Researcher at Fraunhofer IAO. Also, untalented windsurfer.

Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO Berlin, Germany

ПАН БІБЛІОТЕКАР panbibliotekar
Si possumus, fortius loquamur; si minus, apertius.


Serdar Balcı sbalci
MD, Pathologist İstanbul, Turkey

Raf Guns rafguns
Interested in scholarly communication and metadata. Maintainer of Python packages linkpred, wosfile, and gefura.

University of Antwerp Belgium

Eric Schares eschares
Collection Analysis Librarian

Ames, IA

Narayani narayanivedam
Research Interests: Computational Social Science, Network Science, Complex Systems and Controls

National University of Singapore Singapore

Abdullah Baharoon Asbaharoon
I am Oracle e-business suite R12 ERP user and Junior Student in programming of Java language, also currently I have job purchasing coordinator

@openjdk and @graalvm Yemen

poppy poppy-nicolette
Information and library science nerd. I am currently a PhD student and instructor at Dalhousie researching bibliometric metadata, RAG, and information search.

Dalhousie University Canada

Martina Contisciani mcontisc
Postdoctoral Researcher | Data Scientist | Statistician

Central European University Vienna, Austria

Marcia R. Ferreira MarciaFG

Semantic Web Company Vienna