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81 repositories
PublicAI-mergency Control Room (AICR), understanding and consolidating requests for help with Watson. A Call for Code project from IBM.DroneAid
PublicAerial scout for first responders. DroneAid uses machine learning to detect calls for help on the ground placed by those in need.- WORK IN PROGRESS - Build Change - Post-Disaster Rapid Response Retrofit. This is the backend for the API to the machine learning model. It's accessed by the mobile app.
Public templateProject-Sample
Public templateA basic GitHub repository example for new Call for Code submissions and those that join the Call for Code with The Linux Foundation initiative.PD3R
PublicBuild Change - Post-Disaster Rapid Response Retrofit. Following Build Change's main premise to Build Disaster Resistant Buildings and Change Construction Practices Permanently, PD3R Team's main objective is to improve the safety conditions of buildings and reduce human and economic loss after the occurrence of a natural disaster.Frida-backend
PublicFormer repository for Prometeo, winner of the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge, open sourced as Pyrrha (see links within this repo). It measures toxin exposure in real time and analyzes trends over time.Karmen-PWA
Public archiveThe app you build in this tutorial will enable instructors to provide additional notes to students who are using video and audio tools as their primary way to learn.CFC-IBM-Weather-APIs
PublicThis repository links to projects created as part of Call for Code activities, including those that are not officially hosted by The Linux Foundation.Karmen-BFF
PublicReusable dashboard based on the Carbon Design System and ReactOpenHarvest
PublicOpenHarvest is a platform designed to manage farmers, fields, and crops to ensure the farmers succeed in making profits. Task timelines are given for each crop by a recommendation engine, then confirmed by a verification engine utilizing drones and ML models to allow farmers to collect blockchain based reputation tokens for financial institutions.PD3R-React-Native-App
PublicBuild Change - Post-Disaster Rapid Response Retrofit. This is the end-user mobile app for the homeowner.Developer-Resources
PublicHandbook for Call for Code Projectsweather-api-nodejs
PublicExplore the IBM Weather Company data API using NodeJScfc-covid-19-quiz-app
Public archiveExample Quiz app using Loopback and Reactfires-api-nodejs
Public archiveMaterials for the Call for Code 2020 solution starter kit for natural disaster resiliency in the context of climate change.Solution-Starter-Kit-Cooperation-2020
Public archiveMaterials for the Call for Code 2020 solution starter kit for community collaboration in the context of COVID-19.