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Yaohong Chen Yc103
Project details and source code available upon request. [email protected] or [email protected]
Munneth Gill munneth
UC Davis

Davis, CA

Nandini Baruah nandinibaruah
CS Major @ UC Davis

@Codelab-Davis San Francisco, CA

Ian Yoo yooian
Beep boop great ideas simmering 🍜
Sandeep Reehal ReehalS
Full-Stack Software Engineer | Computer Science and Engineering @ UC Davis

Davis, CA

Rajat Mahesh Gupta raj978
Code with purpose, commit with passion.
jacob marinas jzkyu
cs @ uc davis 25'

Davis, CA

Pranava Parasa pranava0
Full Stack Engineer with programming experience in Java, Javascript, Python, and C# ------------ Currently building 🤫

Davis, CA

Mohnish Mohnish2004

University of California, Davis Davis, Ca

LittleShrimp sli-23