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Arun Arunisto arun-arunisto
Developer who always curious about new Technologies

Royal Brothers Bangalore

M Nithish NITHISHM2410
🚀 Machine learning Enthusiast

Chennai, India

Jawher Kl JawherKl
Hi there 👋 I'm a passionate software engineer and open-source contributor with 2+ years of experience in Angular, Node.js, Spring Boot, Symfony, Go and DevOps.

KPG Tunisia

Slyv zslyv


Arzel arzelcm
Building a happier humanity. Always learning. @42school (arcanava).

42 Barcelona Girona - Barcelona

Pedro Henrique Paino PedroPaino
I building things in Web and enthusiastic about Open Source👩‍💻

Fatec Mauá Brazil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


senya xdearboy :) xdearboy
nothing to say

@yopelive Moscow

Deo-Gracias David TONON david15tonon
I'm a passionnate of computation and maths lover who aim to become ML Engineer. Currently i'm AI engineering student . Work on the @BenRover-24 project.

Sirius Space Association Cotonou

Hasan Bakhtiar hasanbakhtiar
Software Engineer | Penguins are not afraid because they are always with us! [email protected]

Webluna Software Azerbaijan, Baku

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Vipul Sharma vipulroxx
Solution Architect, Data Scientist & Full Stack Developer Track 100 Meters Sprinter

PricewaterhouseCoopers US AC Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Abdulmajeed Ali Al-Hazemi AbdulAlhazemi
Software Engineer | Artificial Intelligence Engineer | Postgraduate Student in Computer Science | Passionate About Web Development, IoT, Cloud Computing

Saudi Arabia

rwn RwnQ8
Social good entrepreneur ; founder and director, Empowering Change within us for the benefit of all

Q8 Sf, Ca, Us, Er, Mw, Un, Mv

Raymond Lei(雷菩宇); 䨻-Ficus religiosa-Cousin ewdlop
Hi there! I did not know a machine could possibly have genders too! Damn it!; Please I am kindly asking you to foucs on yourself first. Talking cats be likely.

(Pretoria)732-740-5036 Ocean, New Jersey United States of America 07712

karthikraj S KarthikrajS
Student - Masters in IoT @ SRM Institute of Science and Technology


Juan Alberto R. Santana 302foundev
Programación JavaScript, TypeScipt y Desarrollo Web.


Junaid Sadiq Junaid-sadiq

Tampere Unversity Tampere Finland

Meydhi Ari Nugroho MeydhiXploit
just like programming Sleep And Eating

Universitas Bumi Gora NTB,Lombok Tengah

Decki Herdiawan Soepandi decki-id
Full-Stack Developer | Remote Worker Wannabe | Solo Traveler Wannabe | 20 November 1993

Revota Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Shameem A S ApostateDevOps
Senior DevOps Engineer @terrificminds and Seasoned hacker, RedHat Certified Engineer, and an open-source enthusiast.

Terrific Minds

GeeDook GeeDook
Tech & Linux lover. Passionate about AI, programming, & the evolution of computer science. From ancient algorithms to future innovations. 🌐

Home Iran

grim ripgrim
practical impracticality

@mail-0 LAB 01

Emir Kaan Özdemir emirkaanozdemr
Data Scientist | Astronomy and Quantum Computing Enthusiast | Founder of @Qranscend | Co-Founder of @Lyra-AI-Team | High School Student

Istanbul, Turkey

Nectariferous nectariferous
💻 Passionate software developer and ethical hacker. Engaged with @ethereum .

@VorTexCyberBD Austin, Texas

Brian Parker brianparkerin

Rudimental Technologies Alicante, Spain

max_tonny8 max-tonny8
Decide is just implement...


Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino
