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itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Tobias Augspurger Ly0n
Aerospace engineer with a passion for open sustainable technology

@open-energy-transition @protontypes Germany, Aachen

James Emberton j-emberton
Research software engineer in climate science at the University of Cambridge

@Cambridge-ICCS Cambridge

Omar Jamil omarjamil

University of Cambridge UK

Pustam Raut | पुस्तम राउत pustam-egr
Visiting Researcher

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR) Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

G. S. Voelker g-voelker
Doing research on atmosphere and ocean dynamics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt; climate communication with Scientists 4 Future, AGU Voice for Science

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Robert King OneOneFour
PhD Student in Earth System Science at Stanford in @Eddy-Stanford Former: Backend Developer @octoenergy Developer at ICVisualization

Stanford University San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Rambod Mojgani rmojgani
■ scientific machine learning (SciML) ■ machine learning in dynamical systems ■ computational sciences ■ data-driven modeling ■ model reduction
Rehan Hossain RehanHossain
I am currently working as Project Scientist II in NCMRWF. My expertise lies in Operational Weather Prediction, Tropical Dynamics and Sub-Seasonal processes.

NCMRWF & IIT Bhubaneswar Noida

Caster Kay tztsai

University of Cambridge

Clezio Brigido de Oliveira cleziobrigido
I've been a developer for 6 years, currently I'm a mulesoft developer, I've worked on Bradesco Seguros and ENEL Latam projects and during these projects

GFT Sobral -CE

Laura Mansfield lm2612
Postdoc at Stanford University in Earth Systems Science. Machine learning, uncertainty quantification, Bayesian statistics for climate science.

University of Oxford Oxford, U.K.

PhD student in atmosphere and ocean science and mathematics at Courant, interested in large scale atmospheric wiggles, dynamical systems + fluids

CAOS, NYU Courant @CAOS-NYU New York

Marshall mborrus
Working on weather and climate