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Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003. 💡 Inventor at heart, Engineer by trade.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

João Guioto jguioto
Web Development | AI

Claretiano SP

Jose Carlos JCmamoa
Tecnico em eletrônica e mecatrônico,Cursando graduão de análise e denvolvimento de sistemas. Fascinado por tecnologia .
akshay AkshayV30


Michael Andish MichaelAndish
Software Engineer & Founder of @weprodev

WeProDev Netherlands

Snehith Reddy Kathi kathisnehith
Certified Data Analyst | Ai Enthusiast


Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Autodidata em TI, uso de IA para desenvolvimento em Python, APIs, automação e mais. Focado em colaboração e inovação de fintechs e tecnologia.
Mitchell Horn mitchellxh
Senior Research Data Support Analyst @ Yale University
Zytka aktyz

Warsaw, Poland

Satonin Vyacheslav satonin-v-yu
Java Developer. I study IntelliJ IDEA.
Bruk Gurmesa BrukT
M.Sc. student of Computer Engineering

University of Pisa Pisa Italy

MOHAMMED FAIZAAN SHARIEF mohammedfaizaansharief1
Hi , I am Mohammed Faizaan Sharief , currently pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.
Harding Leite hardingleite

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Guillermo Nicolás Petcho guillermopetcho
Data Analytics: Python || SQL || R || Mathematics || physics.

Argentina, Chaco

muhammad fahmi ady susilo Fahmiady11
Focus: UI/UX Design, Front End Developer, Mobile Developer.

bluri solokuro lamongan jawa timur indonesia

Manfred manfredmoller
Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology student focused on hardware and software design and integration.


Carol Ann Larimore-Gonzalez calinlb

ACE Parking Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center Long Beach CA

Saksham Sharma Anonymous096
Web Developer and App Developer, fluent at HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Flutter, Python and for backend MySQL
