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Michał Regulski regulskimichal

Ocado Technology Wrocław, Poland

Paul Plaquette pplaquette
please look my LinkedInProfile (I dislike the exercise of speaking about me myself)

Trilda/TrildaDevCenter Montpellier, France

Daniel Nord dniel
I am a enthusiastic and dedicated computer geek. Working since 1999 as a Java/Kotlin professional in the Oslo area.

@capraconsulting Norway

Nils Krüger radstevee
linux enthusiast and developer from germany

Berlin, Germany

Jan Rabe kibotu
Technical Team Lead Native Apps at CHECK24 Profis / Native Android / iOS Developer & Technocrat. #kotlin #android #csharp #unity #opensource

Check24 Profis Berlin

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Theo Ioakeimidis codeteo

Thessaloniki, Greece

Ji Sungbin (Forky) jisungbin
Developer Experience Engineer

@healingpaper (강남언니) South Korea, Seoul

Erfan Sadigh Nejati erfansn
Android developer - a developer of mixed things


kelevis kelevis
Power to go!

Beijing / Hong Kong

Michael Carrano michaelcarrano
Android Engineer

@yahoo NYC

Primiano Medugno primdugno
Android Software Developer


-Punpun punpunsx


Desoroxxx Desoroxxx
Hi, I'm Desoroxxx. My name is Luna Lage, I play games and create things.

@Red-Studio-Ragnarok France

Thanos Psaridis ThanosFisherman
Software Engineer. Kotlin and Java enthusiast. Starts too many projects. Finishes a few. Performs best at late night.

Thessaloniki, Greece

Alexander Yevsyukov alexander-yevsyukov

@SpineEventEngine, @TeamDev-IP, @TeamDev-ltd Lisbon, Portugal

Yongshun Shreck Ye ShreckYe
Kotlin full stack developer, programming language theory / type theory enthusiast

@huanshankeji Chengdu

Ritesh ritesh-singh
Android Developer


AntoDev AntoD3v
Dev at Rivrs / Future artificial intelligence engineer (discord: @Anto2112)

Rivrs - Game Studio France

Eli Shackelford eshackelford-ias

@integralads Apex, North Carolina

Payne Chen payneChen
Developer Productivity Engineering


A 10th-grade amateur developer that loves coding and video games. Proud Rustacean.

NoSadNile Network Oregon

Sergii Pechenizkyi plastiv

@flix-tech Berlin, Germany

trietbui85 trietbui85

Zalora HCMC, Vietnam

Yassine Benabbas yostane
Mobile developer at Worldline since 2011, I also happen to teach and to have PhD. I am interested in mobile and web subjects among other things.
Jonathan Rodrigues jonathanarodr

Software Engineer at @picpay São Paulo, Brasil

Yannick Lamprecht yannicklamprecht
Guy doing Java/Kotlin Backend development and sometimes Frontend JS at work.

Germany, Frankfurt

Bogdan Cordier octogene
Android Developer


Rajkumar Singh cybernetics
MBA (IT Mgmt, Business Decisions & Data Analytics)

American Airlines Tempe, AZ 85281, USA

Hlayan Htet Aung hlayan
Android Developer @sgcodigo


Taras Bazyshyn bazted

BAZTDL Rzeszów, Poland

Sk Niyaj Ali niyajali
A Passionate Android Developer.

@skniyajali Kolkata,West Bengal,India

Jonathan Bluett-Duncan jbduncan
Developer tooling and utility libraries enthusiast.

Sainsbury's UK