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Antonio Losapio VittorioEmanueleIII-diSavoia
Vero ultimo re d'Italia (non mio figlio) 156 anni (online 20) programmatore per passione re per dovere


PhD of Geophysics at USTC

Hefei, China

Mirabella Luca Timoteo lucamir
I'm a Computer Science student at UNICT and currently working at INGV. I took part in events like RoboCup and Global Game Jam.

@INGV Catania,Italy

Roberto Vallone robertovallone

INGV Rome, Italy

Qimin Wu QiminWu

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA

vladdev06231 vladdev06231
_!_Full Stack & Blockchain Developer_!_ Specialized in Ethereum, Solana and Fintech, Ecommerce Industry. Proficient in Rust.

BotBank Remote

Samarjit Sahoo samarjitsahoo
I am an enthusiastic coder driven by an unyielding passion for programming. With a strong dedication to mastering new technologies and solving complex problems.

India, Asia 🇮🇳

Federico D'Eredità maxiride
Wildly developing: pushing boundaries, one commit at a time!

Indi srl


Self employed +teacher Rome, Italy

Nicolò Curioni nicolocurioni96
iOS Engineer & Content Creator

Sofia 🇧🇬

Luigino De Togni lewixlabs
Lucky husband & father, passionate about fintech, payments, smartcards & mobile.

San Giorgio Bigarello (MN)

Angelo Stefani angelostefani
Researcher at ENEA | Computer Science Engineer

ENEA Italy

Aldo Sardelli asardelli
Geologist-MSc, QGIS lover, Python learner, Blogger


Ichihai Ichihai1415
I skimp on my studies, write dirty code with mistakes.

high school Gifu City, Japan

Chiara chiaracocorullo

Seismix Palermo (PA),Italy

Garrett Speed gspeed0689
Data steward at Utrecht University

's-Hertogenbosch, NL

Zhongqiu He ilearnProgramme
Ph.D student of Department of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) at SUSTech.

SUSTech Shenzhen, China

Claudiu F. claudiufrusina
Whatever it takes

MSC tech Turin

Kaveh Kakaei Nezhad (KAV) Kavehkakai
Web Developer | Artist | Creative Web developer with over 10 years experience
Ruka ru-ka
rukaaa [ a t ] libero [ d o t ] it