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Caleb P. Charpentier calcharp
Ph.D. Student - Deep Learning and Phenotypic Evolution

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Amin Karimi Monsefi 7Amin
I'm a Ph.D. Student at Ohio State University. I'm working on Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning.

Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio

Camila Babo camilababo
Junior Bioinformatician @ BIOPOLIS-CIBIO | MSc. in Bioinformatics from the University of Minho

BIOPOLIS-CIBIO Porto, Portugal

Katherine Wolcott aubricot
PhD Candidate @ University of Miami Computer Vision Specialist (Contractor) @ Smithsonian NMNH

Miami, FL

Edouard Rolland edouardrolland
PhD Candidate in Multi-Agent Systems for Nature Conservation Missions at the University of Southern Denmark, UAS Center

SDU Odense

Luke Meyers lqmeyers
Graduate student with an interest in research at the intersection of computer science, ecology, and sustainability.

University of Puerto Rico Rio PIedras San Juan PR

Catherine Villeneuve cath34
CS grad student @ Université Laval


Evans Kibet Chemekeki
I am a data enthusiast
François LEROY FrsLry
PhD student in Macroecology at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Studying the link between biodiversity changes and spatio-temporal scales.
Kim Landsbergen klandsbergen
Asst.Prof. at Antioch College; woody plant biologist with a midlife crisis featuring unionid mussel and insect obsessions
Ziheng Zhang Link7808

The Ohio State University Columbus, OH

Kyle Wascher Zoxive
Code, fishing, ML and soccer. Working on FishBytes - an app enhancing your fishing experience with minimal manual entry, GPS trips and catch logging!

Midland, MI

Navodita Mathur Navoditamathur
A Tech Enthusiast with a focus on Computer Vision and Deep learning
Graduate student Data Science M.S @ Univ of Arizona | Microsoft Azure & FABRIC Enthusiast | Specializing in HPC | Former Data Scientist

@University of Arizona United States

Agus Wibowo bowo1698
Enggak umum tapi UNIX
Alzayat Saleh alzayats

James Cook University AUSTRALIA

Naoya Muramatsu DenDen047
PhD student at the University of Cape Town

University of Cape Town Cape Town

:>zhi-hao krudo-taco
JavaScript/ Python / Java/ Azure
Xuan He chord233
I am a student from Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province


Eric Sokol sokole
Senior Ecologist with the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and Research Affiliate with INSTAAR at the University of Colorado Boulder

NEON HQ, Battelle, Boulder CO | INSTAAR, CU Boulder

S M Rayeed SMRayeed

New York, USA

PhD candidate at Virginia Tech -- Uyeda Lab

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA

Josef Uyeda uyedaj

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, United States

Gabriel Zaranza GZaranza
Software engineering student at the University of Brasília.

Brasília, Brasil

Julian Pistorius julianpistorius
Organic Software Gardener 🍅

Exosphere Project Tucson, Arizona

PDragonLabs PDragonLabs
Aspiring AI Director and Software Creator... follow me as we uncover the code to auto generated video PDragonLabs