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Facundo Cuba FacundoCuba
Bioinformatician and Data Analyst Jr.

National Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sonja Schimmler sonjas0815

Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin, Germany

Jakob Hoeper JKatzwinkel
using computer

@stabiberlin Berlin

Rodolfo Marraffa rodolv-commons
Previously in philosophy and cognitive science. Software dev.

Berlin, DE

Anja Gerber anja-gerber
Information scientist working at @nfdi4objects TA6 Qualification, Integration and Harmonisation @KlassikStiftungWeimar, RDM, datamodeling, metadata, heritage...

Klassik Stiftung Weimar Weimar

Zhihao Chen jacklightChen
Ph.D. @daseECNU, Founder @ccfddl. Blockchain Research. Busy working, slow to respond.

Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group Shanghai China