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Suraj Kale surajkale07
Coder I CyberSecurity Explorer I Android I Web I Linux I Networking I Cloud I Firebase


Deepraj Sonawane Deepraj09
SDE Intern @Nasdaq Mean stack developer. Passionate about building innovative solutions to the problems and Exploring the newly emerging Technologies

Nasdaq India

arisdavid arisdavid
I am a Software Engineer currently developing microservices and scalable solutions on cloud infrastructure and Kubernetes cluster.


Shreyasee Bais Verma shreyaseebais
Full stack developer

United Bank of Switzerland Pune

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Josh Powell joshRpowell

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Drashti drashti4

Montreal, Canada

再见孙悟空 ganyusheng520
coder by day,hacker by night!
( emmanuel adolphus johnson ) Duke of Bedford JohnsonEmmanuelA-Chit-Chat
hand·book noun: A book giving information such as facts Chit-Chat & ChatterBox isthisreallyon LLC Apple Inc. Free cash flow.

handbook London

Frank Gottinger gottingerfrank
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Vienna, Austria

_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Fred fduartej
I am technologist at heart.
Developer & Researcher


Tapan Hegde tapanhegde26
DevOps / SRE Specialist, GenAI Enthusaist Bengaluru

Juan J. Alvarez juanjalvarez
App Eng @ | Ex-Pinterest FL

Eduardo Costa de Paiva Eddcp
Software Engineer Brazil, Uberlândia MG

RoZeʟ-RoṨeʟ ekstuhsee1


Alexander Reed amr080
Duke University

XFT Durham, North Carolina

Raseen raseen3
MS CS Student @ VT '24
Eurico Paes eurico3
Quantitative Trading & Research Full-Stack Developer
Dario Alves Junior darioajr
Do not worry about what everyone else is going to do, the best way to predict the future is to invent it.

B3 (BRQ) Brasil, Santa Catariana, Blumenau

Tevfik O. ÖRMECİOĞLU tevfikoguz
Senior Civil Engineer, interested in C++, Python,Matlab/Simulink, Assembly, CUDA.

SOAD Software Antalya, Turkey

Samuel Tovey SamTov
PhD Student in Computational/Theoretical Physics

University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany

Leonardo Livi benz1801

S3K San Giovanni Valdarno

Bisham Singh bishamsingh

@SigmaResearch Oldwick, New Jersey, USA

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA