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isspek isspek
Scientific researcher #machinelearning #datascience #nlproc

UPV, @DW-ReCo Koblenz, Germany

André AndreKest
Bachelor's degree: Electrical engineering and information technology Master's degree: Artificial Intelligence Currently working as AI research assistant
Lucas Weber LucWeber
Applied Scientist @ Fraunhofer IIS


Hajdu Csaba kyberszittya
PhD student researching cognitive safe robotics and building the corresponding robots


Milaim Delija MilaimDeliu
The world doesn't need banks, politicians, or NGOs – it needs DAOs.

Neuronium Engineers Frankfurt

Frank B. frankiert

Leipzig, Germany

Christian Gawron cgawron
Professor of Internet Technology at South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences @fhswf

Fachhochschule Südwestfalen @fhswf Iserlohn, Germany

verheesj verheesj
code junkie

United Kingdom

Michael Fromm fromm-m
Senior Research Scientist interested in NLP / Foundation Models. Currently employed @Fraunhofer IAIS. Working on OpenGPT-X and TrustLLM projects.

Fraunhofer IAIS Munich

Sadik Bakiu sbakiu

Data Max Germany

Hammam Abdelwahab Hammamwa47
Research Engineer (MLOps)

Fraunhofer IAIS Sankt Augustin, Germany

Andreas Herten AndiH
HPC, GPU Computing, Python, LaTeX, and, well…, take a look around…

Jülich Supercomputing Centre Langerwehe, Germany