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Olivier Asselin oliasselin

Ouranos Montréal, Qc

Chris Bitsakis northamerican
live work laugh work love


Aslı Beşe aslibese
Specialist in Climate Data Analysis at @Ouranosinc

Ouranos inc. Montreal

Charlie Parr charparr
Geospatial Data Scientist. Former Snow Scholar. Soccer Maniac.

@ua-snap Fairbanks, Alaska

Simon Filhol ArcticSnow

Centre d'étude de la neige / CNRM / Météo France - CNRS France

Rob Englebright rnlirob
Salty old grey beard illustrator/farmer/roboteer/dev/sailor

RNLI Wareham Dorset UK

Mark Halverson mhalvers
Data and earth scientist. Separating the signal from the noise 📈. Two-wheeled self-propelled enthusiast 🚲..

Vancouver, BC

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

François Huchet FHuchet
Research fellow in hydrogeology

INRS Québec

Scott Hatcher svHatch
A GIS and Remote Sensing Developer with a keen interest in drones and coastal science. I like Python, R, and bash.

Canadian Coast Guard Halifax, NS, Canada

Rehan Ahmed Rehan-stack
Machine Learning Engineer and a python developer interested in backend development and deployment of machine learning models in web.
Zhanliang Liu liuzl
AGI; Large Language Model, Large Multimodal Model; Robotics; Web Crawling; Distributed System

<-Baidu/Tencent/MSRA Earth

Sarah Gammon SarahG-579462

Ouranos, @Ouranosinc Montreal

MNM malmistry
Climate and Geo-spatial modeller, Big data geek

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) London, U.K.

Abel Aoun bzah
Software engineer, interested in earth sciences, currently learning rust and German.

Hexanode Europe

Kasra Farmer kasra-keshavarz
Research Scientist

Schulich School of Engineering Calgary, AB, Canada

Harry Singh HarrySng
Working on maritime intelligence, climate solutions and other geospatial data shenanigans.
Élise Comeau ElComeau
Undergraduate student majoring in atmospheric sciences.
OuyangWenyu OuyangWenyu

Dalian University of Technology Dalian, China

Brewster Malevich brews
Natural scientist employed as a senior research developer.

@RhodiumGroup, @ClimateImpactLab Oakland, CA

Bijan Bijan55699
Hydrologist, Climate Scenarios and Services, Montréal.


Trevor James Smith Zeitsperre
Python, Linux, and FOSS-GIS enthusiast. Climate Scenarios and Services Specialist at Ouranos (@Ouranosinc) in Montreal.

Ouranos Montreal, Canada