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Monesh Venkul Vommi moneshvenkul
🚀 Senior Full Stack Developer | Vue.js 🎨 React ⚛️ Angular 🅰️ Node.js 🌐 Python 🐍 Django | Java Spring Boot ☕ TypeScript 📜 SQL & NoSQL 💾 | Microservices

Capital One New Haven, Connecticut

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Andrew Mullan amullan-sage
Software Engineer at Sage

Seattle, WA

Ajith Kumar Jayaraman akj-333

@Sage Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Mac Chen YizhouChen430
Graduate MLE @sageailabs

Sage UK Newcastle Upon Tyne


Sage Mohali

Nandita Deshpande NanditaSage
7 years of IT professional, experience in development, maintenance, and team management.

Sage Pune India

Rob Alexander rob-alexa
I’m just a simple software developer trying to make my way in the universe.

Accenture Federal Services Phoenix, Arizona

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

rizal rizalrinoldi
tech artisan

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Mert Koldamca mkoldamca
QA Engineer


Émile Siou Emile-Siou-Sage
Graduate Cloud Operations Engineer.

@Sage UK

Siddhant Dhokrat(Sage) siddhant-sage24

Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Caleb Ngeno ogc16
Accomplished software developer with extensive background in IT. Proficient in areas of web/mobile/desktop software like websites and SaaS web applications.

Tech Gaetano Dubai

Dhruv Krishnamachari DhruvK-Sage
Graduate Developer | Urbis Squad | Newcastle (UK)

Sage Newcastle upon Tyne