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Bope . Code mainly in C, GML and Python.

France (don't tell you where exactly)

AI-Badger saichand07
Researcher in the field of industrial media applications with a focus on acoustic quality monitoring.
f4gbv f4gbv
isabelle treguer f4gbv


Geomatics and Land surveying Engineer, passionate about Geo-computing and ML.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II - IAVH II Rabat, Morocco

atamort AbdelghaniTamort
Land surveying and Geomatics Engineer. Interested in dev, AI and innovation. Part-time gamer and history/geopolitics enthusiast.

UGE | ENSG-Géomatique Paris, France

Tahri Oussama Oussamaaat
PhD student in GNSS and urban positioning.


louis aiva louisaiva
codin with lofi

megaproject Lyon - France

Andrew Mitchell MitchellAcoustics

University College London London, UK

Pierre Aumond pierromond

@UniversiteGustaveEiffel Nantes

Dylan Moinse dylan-moinse
PhD Student - Urban Planning and Mobility

Gustave Eiffel University, Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport Paris, France

Suzoka/Morgan ZARKA Suzoka
Hey, moi c'est Morgan, alias Suzoka. J'ai 20 ans, et suis actuellement en BUT MMI. En plus de mes études, je travaille sur le projet "bouteille à la mer"

Université Gustave Eiffel France

Malek Malekbennabi3
Artificial Intelligence & Computer Vision student.

Université Paris Descartes France

Romain Derollepot rderollepot

Gustave Eiffel University France

E. Redondo e-redondo
Researcher and Engineer at Université Gustave Eiffel / LICIT-Eco7. Energy Storage Testing and Modeling.
Stuff needs to get done.
Laurent Najman lnajman

Université Gustave-Eiffel- Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge - ESIEE Paris

Pierric Mora pierricmora

Université Gustave Eiffel

Matias Rios StoneBored
Acoustical Engineer, I am passionate about acoustics, programming and science!

Freelance Malta

Valentin LE BESCOND Nitnelav
Acoustic Engineer and Software Developer

@Universite-Gustave-Eiffel Nantes, France

Fabien Moreau fmoreau69

Université Gustave Eiffel Bron


Université Gustave Eiffel / (ex. IFSTTAR) / IMT Lille Douai Lille

Romain NOËL romain-noel

Inria / Univ-Eiffel Nantes

Joenio Marques da Costa joenio
Research Software Engineer, PhD candidate in Computer Science, Université Gustave Eiffel, Universidade Federal da Bahia.

@cortext Champs-sur-Marne, France

Traffic researcher

Université Gustave Eiffel france

Gwendall Petit gpetit
GIS engineer at UMRAE - @Universite-Gustave-Eiffel / Open Science advocate and promoter / Formerly at Lab-STICC (CNRS) in the @orbisgis team

UMRAE ( - @Universite-Gustave-Eiffel Nantes

M matthieuop