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Son Le iamleson98
Busy realizing I am so small on Github.



hskystar china

Aanis Noor oron-sinaa


Phusa Dune Janny pdjanny0203
Phusa Dune Janny

@apt RG

Andrew Glass andrewglass3
Old school Syseng - migrating to the cloud and Infrastructure as Code. This is where I store random code and forks of useful code I found elsewhere online.


Marcus Gigandet SlyFryFrog
I use Python, Julia, and C++. Currently a sophomore in college with a major in CS and a minor in French. J'aime le français ! I like graphics programming.

United States

Zhou Yuanzhen zhouyuanzhen
Cloud Platform & Infrastructure, DevOps & SRE, SecOps | Engineering Manager | Cloud Pro | DevOps Pioneer | Linux Guru | Apple Fan 🧑🏻‍💻

Suzhou, China

Ernest Lotter ernestl
Software Engineer

Canonical Cape Town

Akhil Wali darth10

Wellington, New Zealand

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Wellington Fonseca W-Fonseca
Estudante de Engenharia da Computação

Programador de Automação São Paulo, Brasil

Tariq West tariqwest
Full Stack Software Engineer. Language, framework, and platform promiscuous, but Javascript inclined.

Freelance Washington, DC

<bio> Measuring progress in programming by lines of code is like measuring progress in aircraft production by weight. </bio>


Klondak sh4de-c4t
👨‍💻 23-year-old 🔬 ML enthusiast, 🐧 Linux lover, and 🐍 Python programmer.


Syed Ameen Alvi symeen
Be Original

Engstro India

Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing.


Bruno Saraiva fbrunosf

ZoneSoft Portugal