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Soma Szelpal shakahl
Full-Stack Architect • SWE • DevOps • SRE • Gopher „live long and prosper!” ― 🖖🏻 Spock Marrying AI with DevOps since 2023...

Mastermind at Shakahl Ltd. • Used to made GitLab's AutoDevOps possible on GitHub Actios at • Did modern DevOps scale-ups at • • • used to worked on Jasmin at Docler Warsaw, Poland

awa Liny awaLiny2333
Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!
Matthew Garry mhgarry
Passionate full stack developer specializing in React and Node.js. I enjoy building innovative web apps. Let's collaborate and create something amazing together
Bishal Giri bishal-777
Computer Engineering Student
21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Aza Allen FknAza

Los Angeles, CA 90026

Hato Hato1125
Programmer using c++


Wadid FOUDHAILI wadidf

Universität zu Lübeck Germany

Vyacheslav FroggerHH
Discord: @JustAFrogger
BobH BobH-Official
A Computer Science student at NTU@Singapore.


Tien Dat Pham swyrin
99% of this user's commit history are merge conflcts.

@team-nameless and home. HCMC, Vietnam

Adam Lahbib adamlahbib
SRE/Platform Engineer · CTFer @securinets-insat
Zhanwen Chen zhanwenchen
Data Science Ph.D. student at University of Virginia.

University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA

Dimitris dSofikitis
Aspiring Software Engineer - AI, Big Data, Cloud, InfoSec

University of Piraeus, Athens Athens, Greece & Stockholm, Sweden

Rohit Chormale rohitchormale
Keep calm and keep coding...
Davor Jordacevic DavorJordacevic
Computer Vision Engineer, Data Scientist, Software Engineer

Belgrade and Kladovo

Kainoa Kanter ThatOneCalculator
21 year old fullstack developer

@InertiaSocial Los Angeles

Markus Kirch markuskirch

Steppenstrolch GmbH Aachen

Lucas Cartisano LucasCartisano
🇬🇧 🇪🇸 Full Stack Developer / Data Scientist / BI
oussama-ib0 Oussama-El-Amrani
Eager learner with an interest in the DevOps world (Software engineering student @ENSET, ... )
Nguyen Nam namdamri27102000

Ho Chi Minh City University Of Technology Ho Chi Minh City

Amirreza hossein panah amirrezaDev1378
Fullstack Web Developer
