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Floatyboy floatyboy
To the moon!

SSECIA Norway, West

Ben Mirkhah benmirkhah
Sr. Full Stack Developer
Praveen Selvaraj pravsels
RA in Synthetic Data Generation @alan-turing-institute

The Alan Turing Institute London

An Bui AB-102
CS at Rice University
Alan アラン AlanB74
Just an enthusiastic tinkerer with a passion for pocketable and portable computer gadgets and gizmos

Nuneaton UK

Juraj Michálek georgik
Making IoT and ESP32 Development simpler with Open Source

Espressif Systems Czech republic, Brno

Sk Mahammad Anish SMAnish-28
B.E.(UnderGrad-I) | C | CPP | Web Developer | Competitive Programmer
febrifahmi febrifahmi
architecture graduates, passionate to learn code, especially python and js


Fer lout33
Hello World
Thiago Macedo thiagoMacedoPRJ
Olá, meu nome é Thiago Macedo, sou estudante e pesquisador nas áreas de automação e inteligência artificial !!


Del Torio BryndellTorio
Hey There! I provide consulting services. In case you need help in Hardware Design and Firmware Dev. Feel free to contact me: [email protected]

SensorFlow Singapore

Embedded systems ( rtems, linux, freertos) developer, tcp-ip stack & ipsec developer. Mainly C, sometimes c++ & php.

South Park Co., Ltd Ao Nang, Krabi, Thailand

Mahmoud Ahmed mahmoudahmedibrahim5
Embedded Systems Engineer

Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University Alexandria, Egypt

Andy Piper andypiper
community, code, and respect.

@mastodon Kingston upon Thames, UK

JimFyyc jimf99 (I seldom Stream or do YouTube stuff)

-na- YYC = Calgary Alberta Canada airport code

John Gilmour JohnJJG
Software Engineer, Electronics Engineer (relapsed), ESP32 tinkerer, 3D printing amateur, synth and midi mangler.
Dương Trọng Nghĩa dtnghia2010
Specialization: Computer Engineer Faculty of Information Technology, International University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City

Rodrigo Lange rodrigo-s-lange
Nada a declarar!

EasySmart Brazil