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Francisco Alfonzo falfonzo

Buenos Aires, Argentina

juandiegou juandiegou
All about my projects here➡️ 👀

Universidad de caldas Manizales

Cristhian David Recalde Isnotcristhianr
+5 años de experiencia. Ingeniero en Tecnologías de la Información, Desarrollador de Software y Creeador de contenido de programación de Ecuador, Ibarra 🇪🇨.

IsnotCristhianr Ecuador

Henrry Pulgarin Henrrypg
Python Backend Developer / Infra/Devops Engineer

@edunext Pereira

Ramiro Avila ramiro999
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence Researcher

UIS Bucaramanga, Santander

Esteban Ramírez stebann
Mobile Developer | Flutter


David Alejandro Osorio Sánchez DavidOsorioSanchez
Soy David Osorio ⚡, apasionado a programar. programo en Front-End con React y Angular 🎨, Back-end con Spring 💻 ademas de desarrollo movil 📱.


Juan Camilo Hernández Ramírez Juancazzhr
Hey Human 👤! How are we doing? Juanca greets you 👋🏽, one more human. Here we are sharing knowledge and learning in community.

@Juancazz Colombia

Cristhian Garcia Ian2012
Backend Developer

Lumu Technologies Colombia

Gilberto La Rosa gilbertoxdev
Hello, I am a Systems Engineer by profession and Web Developer at CODAFTER, a lover of CSS and web design.

Codafter Chile

Gabriela Monsalve gmmonsalve
Software Engineer

Bancolombia Barranquilla

Juan Camilo Montealegre ocamilomontealegre
Software Engineer

@applivery @ChiguiTech Bogotá, Colombia

Carlos Morales KrlosPK
Front-end developer and a enthusiastic learner of web developing

Bancolombia S.A. Colombia

DevSouls ecasallas07
Software Engineering student| IA | ML | Python | Golang | C/C++


Samuel smltrs0
Problems are fun as long as they don't affect other people

Suplos Colombia

Jair Yara Rueda jairyara
Frontend developer | React | Infosec and mobile developer enthusiast

Oneago Bogotá

SantiagoCortesDev LuisSantiagoCortes

Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Joan Estrada Ramos joanEstrada
Python backend developer and frontend developer in react 💻🤓. I complement my skills with practical knowledge of cloud infrastructure in AWS serverless.🎉☁️
Jhoser Pacheco jhoserpacheco
Systems engineering, Colombia. Competitive Programming Open source

Nigth-Devs Cucuta, Colombia

Andres Cortes andrescortesdev
Laravel, ASP.NET, SQL, MongoDb, CI/CD, AWS

Bogotá D.C

Esteban Murillo Urrego emurillou
Soy Ingeniero de producción, me apasiona la gestión empresarial y su integración con clientes, proveedores, procesos, infraestructura tecnológica y personas

Consultor de Gestión Empresarial Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

David Dulce arkantrust
Think. Innovate. Overcome.
Carlos Garzón Colorado madebygarzon
🚀 Systems Engineer | FullStack Web Developer🌐✨

Made By Garzón Colombia

Felipe Camargo matthxc
I am a Software Engineer with 7+ years of experience creating scalable and performant web apps.

Amazon Dublin, Ireland

Jose Leonardo Alvarez nanox
Technical Account Manager, DevOps, SRE, Cloud Engineer, Red Hat Delivery Specialist, Linux Expert

SmartQubit S.A.S. Cali, Colombia

Cristian Zamora zamoprogramer
El estar constantemente aprendiendo es el acto de amor propio mas grande .

Bogota DC

Carlos Jaramillo cejaramillof
Just a "Problem Solver"

@terminalinc Medellín - Colombia.

Christian Gutierrez chesstrian
Technology enthusiast, Software Engineer at @Avanan, a @CheckPointSW Company. 🛩️ From 🇨🇴 in 🗽.

Avanan, a Check Point Company New York, USA