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Alejandro Sanchez alesanchezr
Founder of and @4GeeksAcademy

@4GeeksAcademy and Miami, Florida.

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Erick Andrés Obregón Fonseca ErickOF
Computer Engineering. MSc. in Electronics student. IP Logic Design Engineer. AI enthusiast.

Intel Corporation Cartago, Costa Rica

Andie Kobbie andiekobbietks
🚀 IT Operations professional with expertise in technical support, infrastructure management, and cloud computing. Passionate about digital transformation!

FirstGens UK Europe

EQ ejquast
Full-Stack Developer. Looking to improve websites and the user experience.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Dallas, Texas, USA

Jorge Morales Jm9710
🚀 Codificando sueños, una línea a la vez. 🌐 Fullstack Web Developer | React • Flask • Python y mas 💡 Creando soluciones simples para problemas complejos.


Hendrix Roa hendrixroa
My core competencies are a focus on automation, backend tech, uptime, security, and service resilience, I'm flexible to work in any language stack.

Earth Planet

Elías JR eliasjr89

Madrid, España.

Patricia Mizrahi MadamSagas
Software developer blending technical expertise and creativity. I build dynamic web apps with Python, JavaScript, React, and more.

Madrid, Spain

Fullstack Developer apasionada por el Frontend. Amante de los videojuegos y la tecnología.
Adric Saxon asaxon
Dev in day. Tinkerer at night. Ever curious. I use GitHub to store my coding practice, and code pieces used to solve work problems.


Brayan Bravo Valencia BryanBV03
Hi, I'm Brian, I'm 23 years old and I live in Bilbao, Spain. I'm currently studying to become a full-stack web developer at the 4 Geeks Academy.

Bilbao, España

Félix Antonio Pacheco Lobos Thoraker
Full stack developer. Python lover and JS enthusiast

Santiago, Chile

José Iván Barrera jibarrera
Analista de Sistemas | Estudiante Desarrollador Web Full Stack Educación IT | Estudiante UNGS Licenciatura en Sistemas de la Información

Unilever de Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina

Miquel Carnot greyzeids
Full-stack developer with a background in industrial and graphic design, bringing creativity and UX/UI skills to craft functional, appealing experiences.


Marlon Núñez nunezweb
🌐 Full Stack Developer & Web Designer | JavaScript | Reactjs | Python | Linux 🚀 Expanding knowledge ✨ Open to promising projects.

Cordoba - Spain

Amber Lewis Ambi93

Port Macquarie, NSW Australia

CoolPenwin CoolPenwin
Innovative electrician, specializing in home automation and robotics. Currently expanding my skills in web development and cybersecurity. Hiden Easter Eggs!!
jem natymere
Still learning everyday.
Maryanni Marziliano Maryanni
Full stack developer/ QA
Pedro L Briceno pedrobrice91
Técnico Universitario en Informática con experiencia en soporte IT y Full Stack developer.

SoyMiPropioJefe🧑‍💻 chile

Luis LuisIannelloDev
Full Stack Developer