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William wcastand
Currently living in France.


Ahsan mohammed-ahsan
Software Engineer | NextJS | React Native | Node.js | | Golang

Next Level Media Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Pranav Arya PranavArya37

Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Claus Haas claushaas
Em transição de carreira para a área de tecnologia

Diretor em Yoga em Movimento Nova Petrópolis, RS, Brasil

Floyd Kim floydkim
(Minchang Kim) React Native App developer @ 숨고 😀 @Soomgo-Mobile

숨고 (Brave Mobile) Seoul, Korea

Jakub Wąsik Eghizio
Full-Stack Developer 🎓 AGH   #selftaught

Schibsted Kraków, Poland

Paweł Gawżyński PwGawzynski
Junior software developer

Poland 🇵🇱

Gabriel Zamai GSFZamai
Developer, actually studying: JavaScript, ReactJS and C#.

Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Jeswin Simon jeswinsimon
Web and Mobile Application developer. React, React Native, TypeScript, Rust and Swift

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Dave McCollough dave-mccollough
Building solutions with cloud and mobile technologies

Denver CO

Jon Insley jinsley8
Fullstack developer focused on Typescript, React, and Node.js.

@instinctdigitalmedia Toronto, ON / Remote

Eike Foken efoken

IBM iX Berlin, Germany

Huynh Duc Duy huynhducduy
Just a little boy dream to be a coder

@LINE Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Jan Jaworski jaworek
React & React Native developer

Wrocław, Poland

Jack jackphuongvu
Self-learning software engineer
Hoang Lam hoanglam10499
Mobile Application Developer


Rafael Pato rafpato

@StuDocu Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tomasz Misiukiewicz TMisiukiewicz
React Native Developer at @callstack

@callstack Białystok, Poland

Maciej Jastrzebski mdjastrzebski
Innovation Lead @callstack. React Native/React, Web3, AI, OSS. Maintainer of Reac Native Testing Library, Reassure.

@callstack Wrocław

Szymon Rybczak szymonrybczak
React Native at @callstack

@callstack Cracow, Poland

Serif COLAKEL serifcolakel
👨‍💻 Software Engineer

Ankara, Turkey

Oskar Kwaśniewski okwasniewski
React Native Developer at @callstack.

@callstack Szczecin, Poland

Furkan Çetinkaya cetfu
Full stack developer

@CetfuTech Antalya/Türkiye

tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

Shreyans Jain CodeWithShreyans
Developer · Entrepreneur · Rationalist

Previously CTO @duelance-app Dimension C-137

Olivier olivierloverde

CTO @Innovorder Paris

LamNguyen bombap DNG

Amur Amurmurmur
Human built on top of a JoyStack
Minh Nguyen mnghn07
The code implementations here are severely limited by my lack of understanding of what I'm currently doing..
Chris Sperandio sperand-io
Founder @coplane. Led M&A and investments at Stripe; product at Segment

CoPlane Mountains / Beaches

Shafqat Ullah Khan Shasikhan
:><:code:><: Pakistan

Thanh Pham thanhpcc96
Code any more :)

Viet Nam

WAQAS KHAN ROGHANI waqaskhanroghani
I write code, read code, talk about code, and do other stuff that developers do with code.


sunim aryaminus
sr. by day, jr. by night

Florida, USA

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

Hamdi Jomaa hamdij0maa
* Lead Software Engineer @skillnation * CEO * CCO

Halber Agency

Aexomir aexomir
JS Enthusiast by day Bug hunter in the middle of shadows Interested in whatever makes the universe work


Akam Foad akamfoad
Lead Software Engineer & Full-Stack Web Developer.

Erbil, Kurdistan

码农朱哲 snice
Full Stack engineer
