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Luiz Eduardo Kowalski luizkowalski
senior software engineer

@Viaeurope Berlin

NicolasZapata NicolasZapata
| Developer | Python | Odoo | OpenCV | MachineLearning | Javascript | React | NextJS | Vite.js | Android Development: | Kotlin | Dart | React Native |

Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

Levi Eber Levieber
Developer Fullstack

Paraíba, Brasil

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Cainã Carmo CainCarmo
🌄 Exploring the world of software development, learning something new every day.

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

jens alexander jnslxndr

@somesmallstudio Baltic Sea

Orion Beauny-Sugot noynto
👨🏻‍💻 Developer, passionate about architecture and infrastructure.


Hao ilovejs
zero headache approach => maintainable code | use go, python, js
discord is .lucoso. probably the only place i'll reply
Alexandre Lebailly a-lebailly

SAM Outillage Saint-Etienne, 42000, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Mayank Kotwala Mayanktaker
Web and Mobile App developer.

Mayanktaker Computers & Web Development India

CnegAsuy CnegAsuy

I'm volunteer. /home/cnegasuy

Yan233_ Yan233th

Tehran, IR

Joel Abreu Rojas joelabreurojas
Code is measured by the time it takes to understand and use it, not by the number of lines.

Transmandu C.A Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela

Gregory López iamgld
Angular Wizard

@cfotechlatam Around the world

Lesley DeVeber ldeveber
My cat is very handsome and soft. My cat is best cat. Your cat is also best cat. All cats are best cats and that is science. Thank you.

Boston, MA

linux rooster linux-rooster
don't ask about the name
Adam Perkowski adamperkowski
aka xeqo, xx0a_q. in love with 🐧 🦀 🎧. maintaining stuff for @ChrisTitusTech & @hyprutils


Joe Linogao Joecey
mech engineer turned software engineer with many projects and little time ✨

LegitFit Ireland

Pavel 宝尔米 e-io
👨‍💻: 🐍 ☕️ ➕ ♯


Cassim Ahmed Attia cassimahmedattia
Cyber & Info. Data Sec. Pro., IT & Info. Sec. Mgmt. Consulting, Cloud Management, Information Management, DevOps and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

@alnafi @The-Intelligent-Thinker

Muhammad Bagus Adi Prayoga hiseulgi
Just a programmer who wants to keep learning new things.


Frederico Moreira hypervanse
phd in physics with experience in @octave-app @microsoft

Hypervanse Brazil

Manuel Boldrer manuelboldrer

Czech Technical University Czechia

noobie noobieyuh
expect the unexpected 💯