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Zane Paksi ZanePaksi
My name is Zane. Olivet College '20. Working as a Software Engineer - Pursuing my curiosities and storing them here!

Grand Rapids, MI

Thomas Knox knoxilla
Meeting all your knoxilla needs.

Ann Arbor, MI

Christina Kaloush christinakaloush
Software Developer

Software Developer Grand Rapids, MI

Luke Nam tnamdevnote
Frontend Developer | A thoughtful problem solver. Enjoys designing and building for web.

Grand Rapids, MI

Kyle Bedell kylesezhi
Gunning for your myspace top 8 🚀
Sam Delamarter SamDelamarter

DevsOperative Grand Rapids, MI

Nozomi Yasuda zozo-yasuda
Nozomi Yasuda. Software Engineer @The-Picas-Group

@The-Picas-Group Grand Rapids, MI

Evan Kuck evankuck
Full-Stack Software Developer with a background in psychology, looking to promote user wellness and positive experiences within an online space

Grand Rapids, MI

Matt Gehrls mgehrls
Self taught full stack dev. Former Realtor and Choir Teacher.

Grand Rapids, MI

Phoebe phoebegoh
There are so many things we can explain with science, and then there's cats.

@NetApp Holland, MI

Joey Day Joey172

@GRCC-Programmers @FRC4967 Grand Rapids, MI

Software Developer at Complete Automation Resource creating HMI and Scada programs for industrial automation. BS in Computer Science.

Complete Automation Resource Grand Rapids Michigan

David Hayes davidbhayes
Big fan of peanut butter

Press Up Crown Point, IN

Youssef Shahin yshahin
Building Microsoft Intelligent Services Working on Azure OpenAI

Microsoft Redmond, WA

Michael M mcmanus-git

Michigan United States

Allen Clark Allen616

Citizen Labs Grand Rapids, MI