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Xavier Marchegay xaviermarchegay

Clever Age Toulouse, France

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Jean-Avit Promis nouchka
Life is like a rollercoaster. Ups and downs. Better with a friend. Sometimes you puke. Screaming helps.

Coop'Alpha Royaume d'Araucanie et de Patagonie

Pierre Priot pierrepriot
French music & digital media enthusiast, analyst & expert. CTO at Couleur Citron — Dead Bees rcs. label manager — volunteer freelance consultant for non-profits

Couleur Citron Toulouse, France

Hang Nguyen sonbui00
Software Engineer
Arnaud Ligny ArnaudLigny
Web functionnal and technical consultant, eCommerce expert. Open Source contributor, creator of @Cecilapp

@studio-cecillie Montreuil, France

Nicolas Hoizey nhoizey
Co-founder of @cleverage, advocate of a pragmatic use of standard Web technologies. Photographer:

@cleverage Paris, France