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zainab Ansari zainab0077
"👩‍💻 Python Enthusiast | 🎓 Student Exploring the World of Coding | 🌱 Learning Every Day | 🚀 Aspiring Developer"


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Manu Gomez InManuBytes
I'm a security engineer with strong back-end experience with technologies like Golang, Ruby and NodeJS.

Cockroach Labs Brooklyn, NY

Norman Chen normanchenn
CS @ uWaterloo


Kent Stroker kentstroker
Databases, Light Shows and Corgis

Free Range Seattle, WA USA

Anish Chanda Anish-Chanda
Software Engineer Student at Iowa State | Passionate about building Highly Scalable Systems


Kent Stroker kstroker-CRL
Databases and stuff.

Cockroach Labs Seattle

Vinh Cao skaarlcooper
Sophomore Economics dropout to pursue a career in DevSecOps.
Ayog Ay0G

Cockroach Labs

Dwayne Edwards dwaynedwards
Software Engineer, focused on enhancing the developer experience. Golang Enthusiast.

Toronto, Ontario

Ben Sherrill bsherrill888
Sales Engineer

Cockroach Labs

Pratik Kumar pr2tik1

@ElucidataInc Bangalore

Blessy Anna Johnson blessyanna
User Assistance Developer

SAP Bangalore

Jeevan g1rjeevan
Software Engineer at Cisco

Cisco Bangalore, KA, India

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Miles Frankel asg0451

@mixpanel New York

wiyco wiyco
Engineering is communication. I love the PREP framework. / MBTI: ENTJ ➡️ INFP ➡️ INTJ
Rana Dahshan rdahshan
A Junior Computer Science Student majoring in Software Engineering || OOP co-assistant at MIU by day and a problem solver by night.

Misr International University MIU Egypt, Cairo

Nancy4Hany Nancy4Hany

Misr international university Cairo , Egypt

JavaScript, Python

BayArea, CA, USA

Karuppiah Natarajan karuppiah7890
Ooohhh.....I am Karups!!! Also known as Karuppiah

@OlaCabs Chennai, India

Tạ Quang Khôi TaQuangKhoi
I'm a Software Developer/ a Musician make music with Ardour


Deepjyot Kapoor deepjyotk
Passionate about problem-solving, I leverage my computer science expertise to impact the world, prioritizing clean, efficient code and sustainable solutions.

New York University New York

Tushar Jain tusharCRL
Member of Technical Staff @cockroachlabs

@cockroachlabs Bangalore, India

高亚斌 charygao
- sometime it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

no more working shanghai china