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Bruno Fonseca brunohaf
Software Engineer | DevOps Engineer Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering, CEFET-MG. Brazil

Jeroen Steggink jsteggink
Freelance AI/ML Strategist & Architect

@knowsy-nl Netherlands

Pierre-Yves Landuré landure
Web developer, budding DevOps, enthusiastic self-hoster, rabid Debian user, technical writer.

Biapy Brest, France

Gabriel Pereira gabfelp
Software Engineer at Cyral | MSc student at UFMG

@cyralinc Brazil

Black Pjotr blackpjotr
Works at ZGH

Zgh Zagreb Croatia

Cloud Snorkeler CloudSnorkeler
Tony Scheller Head of Cloud & Infra Security Engineering @stubhub | Ex-Staff Security Engineer @twilio | Ex-Principal Engineer / Manager of @hulu
Arley Lewis arleyl
technical writer

San Carlos, CA, USA

Hugo Sousa ha2398
Software Engineer

Mindera Belo Horizonte, MG