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Parth Sanepara ParthSanepara

@hprs-in @TrackRHQ Bengaluru

Akshat6133 Akshat6133
python programmer

@iitbhilai India

Yan yanedge

Edge Impulse Inc. Canada

Lillian Phyo lillianphyo
Build scalable, reliable, and secure applications| Help startup growth| Data Science Researcher


Passionate about open-source. I do golang, C++, Haskell, Typescript, WebGL and sometimes Rust or Zig. Card game creator.

Cisco Paris

Kelvin Lee IO kelvincushman
I Build Stuff. Indie Full Stack and Embedded Software | Hardware Design | Artificial Intelligence | Edge AI.. AiTENT. IO | AiGENTIS. IO | @UKKelvinLee

Kelvin Lee Wolverhampton UK

Michael Luo cos12a

自由职业者 中国,广东,深圳

Madhukar Rupakumar krmadhukar
Principal Systems Engineer @HPE

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Bangalore, INDIA

eMHa mheriyanto
🤖 Serving EdgeML models at scale. @ezygeo-ai @cctvpintar

TB Geoscience Banyuwangi, Indonesia