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Dan Crisp crispd
I'm into particle accelerators (physics, UX, controls system solutions). This nerd-dome extends to exploring/customizing various productivity-related tools.

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Jennefer Maldonado jennmald
Research Staff Engineer @NSLS-II

Brookhaven National Laboratory New York

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing



physicist, lyricist, coder

European Spallation Source (ERIC) Sweden

Q, Peiyu PeiyuQuan

Stanford University/SLAC National Accelerator Lab 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Giles Knap gilesknap
Developer for Beamline Controls at the U.K. Synchrotron. @DiamondLightSource

Diamond Light Source Ltd. @DiamondLightSource Didcot, OX11 0DE, U.K.

Marcell Douglas Nagy marcelldls
Beamline Controls Core Development Team

Diamond Light Source Oxford, UK

Gregory Leblanc leblancOUAL

Ohio University - Edwards Accelerator Lab Athens, OH

Padraic Shafer padraic-shafer
Data Analysis & Workflow Integration group leader in the Data Science & Systems Integration division at NSLS-II.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Chen Zhang KedoKudo
Computational scientist at Oak Ridge Natonal Lab with research focus of software development for neutron diffraction.

UT-Battelle Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Gareth Nisbet garethnisbet

KLiK Robotics Oxfordshire

Adam Stephen AdamVStephen
Mathematician, Physicist and Control System Engineer. Diverse technical interests. Working to make Fusion Power a reality. Polyglot.

Infinnovation Ltd Oxfordshire, UK

Ahmed Limem Ahmed-Limem
Software Systems Engineer - Beamline Controls

@DiamondLightSource Oxfordshire, England, UK

ericm ericmoge

Synchrotron SOLEIL Saint-Aubin, France

Marcel Mrcl3
Experimental physicist having fun programming and developing control systems.

HZB Berlin, Germany

jdh_landscape DonghuiJin
learn more and act more.

tencent shenzhen

Mijail Todorovich tmijail

@binderplus Rosario, Argentina

QiangYe yeq71

IHEP Beijing.China