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Marco Zambrano marcwrz123
Software Developer, exploring technologies such as JavaScript, Tailwind, Git, Python, SQLServer, C#, C++


Abhimanyu Chaudhary MadRobin13
Proficient in python, Java, C, Arduino C++, GO, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and GDScript. Interested in Pytorch, Kotlin, and Swift. Good with robots. :)

Ontario, Canada

Daniel Lee Dsl03
CS @ Northwestern University

Chicago, IL

Rohit Sharma rohit357
Student , Developer , designer, Science and Tech freak
Ahmed Hashem AhmedvHashem
Software Engineer by day, Indie Game Developer by night.

@bevy Egypt



Vishruti Patel vishruti-patel
🔍 Data Analyst | 🚗 Automotive Insurance & Roadside Assistance Analytics SME | 💻 Open Source Advocate | 🎓 M.S. in Computer Engineering (Cal State Fullerton)

San Francisco, CA

psypher psypherprime
Computational Cognition | Information Design | Consciousness
Dar Rehan Rasool Darrehan
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with a knack for weaving digital magic using the dynamic trio of React, Node.js, and Express. Crafting Full Stack Webapps.

@novocabs Srinager, Jammu and Kashmir india.

Kostiantyn Illienko illenko
Software engineer from Kharkiv 🇺🇦
TANZINA AKTER tanzinabd23

Khanbd Chittagong

Renata Rodrigues itsrerodrigs
full stack developer by Serratec, human coder at 42 SP, ONE 8th class student.

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Using AWS Lambda/EventBridge, Vercel, Node, TS, Express, SWC, JWT, MongoDB, Vite, TailwindCSS, Netlify, pnpm, Rust, Ubuntu, Python, Cloudflare, SendGrid, VSCode
Baroen Sudarman baroenese
Technopreneur in Software Engineering

@baroenspace Gorontalo, Indonesia

Muh Masrukhin Ferdian MuhFerdian
a newbie

Nganjuk Nganjuk, Jawa Timur

Kidus Nesibu Kidus-Nesibu
Enrolled in ALX S.E program 🎓

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dinitha Wickramasinghe dinithaw
| Embedded System Developer | Circuit Designer | Software Developer | AI & ML Enthusiast | Computer Science Undergraduate | :octocat:❤️

XSi systems Colombo, Sri Lanka

Rus tremer3
Hello ! I'm studying Web-Development.
Ayesh ayeshowcode
CS Brat.

FAST-NUCES Karachi, Pakistan

Jefferson Luiz da Silva JeffersonHobot
Bacharel em Biossistemas (conclusão em 08/2025). Cofundador de uma startup de tecnologia social. Experiência em análise de dados (Python, Pandas, Prophet).

Minas Gerais, Brasil.