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Vanessa Monte vmmonte
Professor at the University of São Paulo, Portuguese Language Course. My research interests lie in Philology and Digital Humanities.

Universidade de São Paulo @usp São Paulo

João Pedro Volante jpvolante
Student of Technology in Systems Analysis and Development at the IFSP, São Carlos Campus. I am currently learning Java, React and Data Science

São Carlos - SP

Letícia Lofiego leticialfgo
Intern at @fflch

São Paulo, Brasil

Vini Henques henquesz
- Universidade Paulista | Fullture School | ETEC - Fullstack Engineer

Montanari Tecnologia Brazil

Cientista de Dados / Python (Django, Flask) / Ruby (Rails) / PHP (Zend, Laravel) / C# / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / API / AWS / GCP / Docker / Kubernetes


Davi Amâncio Supersity
Data Science and Machine Learning degree bachelor student: 4/7º
Talita Ventura TalitaVentura16
Programming and geosciences lover.

São Paulo, Brazil

brunacorreiade brunacorreiade
Estudo jornalismo da USP e sou estagiária na Folha de S Paulo.

FFLCH São Paulo

°✩ aline ✩° AlineMaire
✩ 23 y ✩ Desenvolvedora em Treinamento
Daniel Silva Ferreira danielsf93
Geografia - FFLCH - USP

@usp @fflch