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Danapana Akash Reddy akashreddy-ops
🎓 Computer Science Student | Aspiring Software Engineer | 1st year at Lovely Professional University | Web developer, AI Enthusiast | C, Java, Python.
Michael Demarais mikedemarais
cofounder @rainbow-me

@rainbow-me New York, NY

Johnny Esteban Quesada johnny-quesada-developer
Senior Full Stack Engineer | 10+ Years Scaling Applications | React, Angular, TypeScript, Node.js, C#, .NET CORE | FE & Architecture | AI & Cloud Experience

Krakow, poland

Daniel Darritchon dedarritchon

@frontapp Santiago, Chile

Luis Chodiman lechodiman

Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago, Chile.

Manuel manuelbahamondez

@frontapp Curacaví, Chile

Awaneesh Soni awaneeshsoni
Building Projects and Tools | DSA and Development | Engineering from IIT BHU
Lucy LucyE


ziming ziming
Trying not to burn out
Nat bjshinobi
Forever learner

Bangkok, Thailand

Zubair Sheikh zubairhixol
Team Lead at Hixol

Hixol Gujranwala

Tim Littlemore tjl2
Software Engineer with experience primarily in backend web & infra work. Working @dicefm, formerly @engineyard, @github, @frontapp

DICE Cheshire, UK

Brad Burch bradburch
Software Engineer

San Francisco, CA