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王运琪 wyqdcsy


Alexandra (Ali) Ruth aruth-cdc
Statistician | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | National Center for Health Statistics

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hyattsville, Maryland

iain maitland imaitland
/ /\ / /\/

johns hopkins university

Ronald Olum ronaldolum
Medical Doctor. Researcher. Modelling.
Oliver Luo imushanzi

Soochow university suzhou, China

Xu Xizhan xxz19900

Peking University Beijing,China

luofei luofeicq

luofeilblog China

Hai Vu namhaivu173
Motivated data analytics learner 🎯 Passionate about uncovering insights and trends using data-driven approach 💡

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Seattle, WA

Nury Amanmadov nury-amanmadov

@ihmeuw (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington) Seattle, WA

Buddhi Wijenayake Buddhi19
Undergraduate - University of Peradeniya

University of Peradeniya Kandy, Sri Lanka

Katherine Iaquinto kiaquinto3
Data Engineer

Seattle, Washington

Ahmad Sofi-Mahmudi choxos
GNU/Linux Enthusiast, Open Science Advocate

Cochrane Toronto, Canada

陈晓葳 CHENPA0811

FuDan University Shanghai

wang minjie perlatex
R, Tidyverse, Tidymodels and Stan

sichuan normal universtiy

zhihu xu zhihu3456
Environmental Epidemiology
Mihir Adhikary MIHIR-IIPS
Public Health Researcher

International Institute for Population Sciences Mumbai

Horacio Chacón horaciochacon
MD, MSc, MPH | R statistics Biomedical Informatics and Global Health Metrics

Seattle, WA

Darwin Del Castillo ddelcastillof
R, STATA, and Python | Epidemiology and data science

Seattle, WA