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Mike Carbone MikeCarbone
Head honcho at Carbonology Interactive LLC

Carbonology Interactive LLC Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Tuan Pham tuanvpham
Building Varisource with wonderful people

@Varisource Orlando, Florida

Sunny Singh sunnysingh
Building Maintainable Platforms

New York, NY

JXX-MX jxx-mx
Web Developer

Freelancer Seoul,Korea

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

lily.t LT-Lily
Change the wor𝔏d, one 𝔏ine of code at a time.


Rajiv Mounguengue Rajivhost
let success = pain |> hardWork

FunctionalStack, Inc. Brazzaville, Congo republic of

Sören Martius soerenmartius
CEO & Co-Founder @ | I like simplicity, pragmatism and common sense while bridging business, product and technology. Berlin

omidshabab. omidshabab
Indie Maker 🚀 NextJS, React Native Expo, TypeScript, tRPC, DrizzleORM, PostgreSQL, PrismaORM Earth

John Barker barkerja
Senior Webmaster

Dryden, NY

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Alex Chen alexchenh
Product Engineer @Miter-HR

Miter New York, NY

Nawaz Khan nawazkhan
Founder @devpartyhq

Devparty New York

Ray Denis SandboxRD
Founder & CEO of Sandbox Wealth

Sandbox Wealth New York, NY

Sakshi Goswami siya186
I'm learning java and development...


Tertius Stander OsirisXTLS
Long-time SysAdmin, DevOps pro, and aspiring Platform Engineer with a knack for Cloud. Passionate tinkerer exploring scalable solutions.

Cape Town, South Africa

Dmitry dbrkv

SE @babysits IEV

Kyle McDonald kylemcd
engineering @knocklabs

@knocklabs Chicago

Samuel Chase samebchase
I like desert-island programming languages like Raku and Common Lisp. At work, I write Go (used to be Clojure and Java).

Pune, India

KeisukeYamashita KeisukeYamashita
Site Reliability Engineer based in Vienna, Austria


Jeremy Zabala zavbala


Adarsh Hatwar adihat
Backend Engineer @smallcase

Smallcase technologies Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India

Taj English itajenglish
Avid tech enthusiast, and software engineer. CTO @ListedB building technology that will transform the beauty & wellness services industry forever.

@ListedB New York

Muhammad Ali MuhammadMullah
Elixir Developer & Functional Programming Enthusiast

Andela Mombasa - Kenya