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Magnus Jurdal Magnus6803
Hi to the world

MJ Kontorsservice Johan Printz väg 18B

Global Health, Clinical Health Administration, Medical Diagnostics, Preventative Medicine, Best Patient-Provider Practices,

@Rapid-Veinline-LLC NEW YORK, NY

Sk musik Production inc. developer982
Musik and development en secure workspace software and more !

Sk Musik Production Inc Belgium

trediggs trediggs

@trediggs Eastern

Andrei Jiroh Halili ajhalili2006
Building OSS at @recaptime-dev and @lorebooks-wiki (mostly backend dev in Deno and Node.js and BDFL), Autistic Filipino, @hackclub community member

@recaptime-dev (fiscally sponsored by @hackclub) The Philippines

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Jeffrey H. Johnson johnsonjh
Not RPM developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not XTree developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not Jeffrey Johnson, Google Senior Software Engineer. Not the robotic engineer, either.

BAN AI Systems


leozheng zheng