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Raghul S RaghulSmicrochip

Microchip Technology

Joseph Chang Joseph-Chang


Hariharan Ananth hariharan-tech
Tech and Programming freak
Ashish Senapati ashish-mchp

@MicrochipTech Chandler, AZ

Brian Vandegriend bvandegriend

Microchip Vancouver, Canada

set_ silver2row
Stay there and someone will find you...

Contract Louisiana

Andrei Simion asimion797

Microchip Technology Bucharest, Romania

Shardul Bankar shardulsb08
Kernel Hacker, Happy to be alive.


Matt Wood mattwood-microchip

Microchip Technology Inc Boston

Conor Dooley ConchuOD
Linux for RISC-V @ Microchip
Like Xu lkml-likexu
A linux kernel developer, focusing on performance (w/ monitorability, w/ debuggability, w/ scalability, w/ power efficiency).

Tencent Cloud Shanghai, China