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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Meagan Porter KiwiMonarch

Austin Peay State University Clarksville, TN

Leyao Wei DenekoW

Tsinghua University Beijing

Jean Choppin de Janvry JeanCHDJdev
NASA JPL Cosmology Visiting Student Researcher working on SPHEREx / Gap-Year MSc student CentraleSupélec (Université Paris-Saclay)

NASA JPL Pasadena

Yunyi Shen YunyiShen
PhD candidate at MIT and LIDS. Bayesian statistics in ecology, genetics and astronomy. Large carnivore ecology.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Dave McKay davedavemckay

EPCC, University of Edinburgh United Kingdom

Yash Ejjagiri yaswant2403
Ambitious and driven CS + Astronomy undergrad @ UIUC.
René Parlange parlange
PhD student in Computer Science | Machine Learning for Astrophysics
Dr Simon P Young spyphyz
Consultant Paediatric Neuroanaesthesist (NHS). Graduate physicist (OU). Soon to be MSc Space Science student (OU). Data analyst, neuroscientist, musician.

NHS Argyll, UK

Diane Hascall dianehascall

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Guilherme Amadio amadio

CERN, @cern-eos, @cern-fts, @gentoo, @root-project, @xrootd Geneva, Switzerland

LeGromp runty14
Laboratory researcher in Kourovka Astronomical Observatory

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin.

Rui Zhu astro-zhurui
PhD student in Astrophysics at PKU

Peking University Hogwarts

Pedro Henrique Rocha de Andrade pedroiff0
Engenharia de Computação - IFF BJI [email protected]


Sierra Janson sierrajanson
fullstack software dev + deep learning

San Francisco Bay Area

Cyrille Doux xuod

LPSC | IN2P3 | CNRS Grenoble

Olivia R. Lynn OliviaLynn
LINCC Frameworks at CMU

@lincc-frameworks Pittsburgh, PA

Divyansh Srivastava prashant050701
Accidental CS Engineer, Master’s in Physics and Astronomy.
Jorge Isaac Anais Vilchez jorgeanais
PhD student in Astrophysics and Astroinformatics. I'm a happy dad and I have a weakness for nerdy things.

CITEVA, Universidad de Antofagasta Chile

Brandon Smith phaeta

BioDigital, Inc. New York, NY

Michael Hayden mphayden
Software Engineer at MRI Technologies

Atlanta, GA

Lucas Arthur lmarthur

MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Eske M. Pedersen empEvil

Harvard University Somerville, MA, USA

Marco cylammarco

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh

Zhou, Conghao 周丛浩 zhouconghao
Grad @ UC Santa Cruz.

UC Santa Cruz Santa Cruz

Juan Sutil Palma jjsutil
Hello 👋 Hola! I'm Juan! Please feel free to reach me at [email protected]
Michael J. Wilson michaelJwilson
Data Scientist. Python, Rust & nextflow.

Princeton University Princeton, USA

Leandro Martins LeandroMartinsdS
Control and Automation Engineer Interests in motion control, system identification and robotics.
Vivek Kumar Jha viveikjha
Post doctoral researcher in astrophysics. Interested in understanding the dynamics of matter in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole.

National Centre For Radio Astrophysics - Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research (NCRA-TIFR) Pune, India

Kaylee de Soto kdesoto-astro
Graduate student in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Harvard University Cambridge, MA