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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Justin E. Samuels ThugDebugger
Founder & CEO of @Render-Atlanta Senior Software Engineer at @intuit @mailchimp

@Render-Atlanta Atlanta, GA

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Omar Warraich OmarMWarraich
Full-Stack Developer | Certified in Blockchain & Full-Stack Development

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Ben Ramsey ramsey
Coder, author, & speaker. PHP 8.1 & 8.2 release manager. ramsey/uuid maintainer. Open source developer.

Nashville, TN

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Mitul Patel bittricky

@MennyAI *・☾・。. • *・. • *・☆・

Djaro djarotech
ut austin | Big Tech | 2x aws certifications


Praveen Javali praveen-javali
FrontEnd Developer, React Developer

Bangalore, India

andreim marmureanuweb
Tech enthusiast I usually write articles on my blog and enjoy making videos on my Youtube channel

@marmixsoft Bucharest

Alex Collins alexec
Principal Software Engineer on @argoproj at @intuit

@intuit Mountain View, CA, USA

Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Kyaw Ko Ko Oo TripleKay
HELLO_WORLD Yangon,Myanmar

Antonio Rodriguez Farias AntoniHub
QA Engineer | SDET | Software Tester


Erik Kieckhafer kieckhafer
Who do you think you are?! I am!

@intuit / @mailchimp / @reactioncommerce Colorado

Samuel Goujon samuelgoujon
Passionate about social media, digital disruption & cryptocurrencies
Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Nguyen Phi Truong truongnguyenptn
I'm a tech lover, I'm always push my self to the next level. I have skill in web development including frontend, backend, blockchain and cloud. Danang

Son Tran tranthaison1231
Try your best <3

@basaldev Viet Nam

Curtis Kraehmer curtisksdpros

SD Professionals Sevierville, TN

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Naseer Ullah Awan NaseerUllahAwan
Web Developer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, MYSQL, Blogger, Flutter.

Coming Soon!!! Pakistan

Daniela dggtn

freelance Argentina

L V N Λ C Y ephemeralrogue
A playground for design and development. This is the visual arts and development arm of nonsensetwice.

@strvtmvmnt @Mad-Hatter-MGMT Los Angeles, CA


Atlanta, GA, USA

youngrongoh youngrongoh
Front-End Developer👨‍💻 JavaScript / React

Seoul, Republic of Korea