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silvesterwali silvesterwali
hi, I'm silvester wali . I'm a web developer, javascript and php enthusiast

S.P Digital Agency Indonesia

Divided divided099
hi hi! here you may find some amazing high tech alien level tech work!
Serhat onwp
fixing bugs on prod


Isidoros isidman
Wannabe Developer.

RMCS Athens

Declan Chidlow DeclanChidlow
Front-end developer, designer, dabbler, and avid user of the superpowered information superhighway.

@RevoltChat Perth, WA, Australia

結束バンドbocchi jonm58
Yes,I'm evil,I got run over by a thread and was reincarnated into a world with only single-core processors

People's Republic of China(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)

kate ktwrd

Health Support Services (@HealthSupportServices) Greater Perth Region, Western Australia

Amy amycatgirl
I make stuff. I also design stuff, sometimes.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

2603003199a skybird23333

Unemployed Western Australia

~julia saperoi
nyan-binary audhd failthing


Max Walters theycallhermax
i like women


Inderix Inderix
A silly little man with his silly little computer. Graphic designer.