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Jason Ross JMR-dev
Solutions Oriented Developer | Former Software Engineer 1 at Asurion | Nashville Software School alumnus, @nss-day-cohort-52 | Python Web Dev

United States

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Thom Chittom tchittom
Test Engineer III @lampo, husband, father of two+dog, code in Ruby & Python. Read philosophy & theology. Listen to the Orb, Lawrence, Aurora, Nightmares on Wax

@lampo Nashville, TN

Logan Sewell LoganSewell
just living life to the fullest
mayowa-kalejaiye mayowa-kalejaiye
Life's too short to code without passion! 🚀 Just a junior developer enjoying the journey and exploring the tech world.
Alyssa Cleland alyssacleland
Student at Nashville Software School

Nashville, TN

Abdul Alsafri AAlsafri

Nashville, TN, USA

Michael Galo MichaelGalo
Full Stack Developer


Sydney Sharp Sydney-M-Sharp
Nashville Software School Cohort 70 grad.

Nashville, TN

Yanan Zhao evazhao919
Your best teacher is your last mistake.
Jonathan Ling colonelpopcorn
I am a software developer that really wants to get into woodworking!

Hotel Effectiveness Roswell, GA

Dylan Moore dylankmoore
NSS | Software Developer | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, C#, .NET, SQL | 👩🏻‍💻

Nashville, TN

Leonard T. Robinson leonardrobinson
I am an educator that focuses on solutions instead of problems. I enjoy mentoring young scholars and helping them find their purpose.

Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Nashville, TN

Stacey Vanyo sbvanyo
Studying full-stack web development.

FortyAU Nashville, TN

Mara Caoile marcelcao
Nashville Software School E23

Nashville, TN

Matthew Maloney mgmaloney
I'm a mental health therapist turned software developer. I love solving problems and now solve coding problems rather than people problems.
Jared Anderson Drumstrum88
Full Stack Software Development Student at Nashville Software School Cohort E23

Nashville Software School Murfreesboro, Tn

Jesse French jessefrench
Musician turned software engineer. If my code isn't pretty, just imagine it's avant-garde.

Owensboro, KY

Charlie Seaton seatonct
Former secondary educator turned Full Stack Software Developer who loves to learn new things.

Nashville, TN

Eli Bradford elibradford227
Software Engineer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Espresso slinger turned full stack software enthusiast


Thomas Rice trice7
Kansas City native. I am a lover of all things tech and gaming. I am studying to be a full-stack web developer and am a student as Nashville Software School.

Kansas City

John Lu john-courter-lu
SDET @ HCA Healthcare; Former HCA Technical Resident; NSS Cohort 65;

Nashville, TN

Gavin Kashmark Kashmark
Former Culinary aficionado, Current Tech Student at NSS Cohort 68