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Leo Simon leo5imon
.funding the new internet @TelahVC .founder KaizenDAO .fellow Kernel


VR Simulated Experience VRSEx
Imagine the righteous persevere this fight. Imagine those whom possess the vision to see beyond the FUD; find the path of illumination. iMAGIne. aCt. <<+>>

The Internet Earth

Piérre Reimertz reimertz
leading engineering at @hifilabs ⇝ merging tech and music sprinkled with web3

@hifilabs Sweden

Darryl Yeo darrylyeo
building 🅱・frontend dev・UI/UX abstractionist・DeFi/web3 builder・decentralized data wrangler・hackathon bounty hunter・dropout・24・prev @dYdXProtocol

swabbie.eth seanbhart founder | NewSpace enthusiast

Austin, TX

Yudi Kubota yudikubota
Founder @ AnyFlow | Web3 Developer @ Khiza DAO

AnyFlow | Khiza DAO Brazil

NegativeStar vANJKEEE
no comments.

mipped Planet Earth

Sophia Campana sophmcamp

WillowTree Charlottesville, VA, USA

Parsa Rezaei parsar2025
Solidity Developer, Industrial Engineering Student at Tehran University
Boubacar blobitty
Creative Technologist and Engineer

New York City

Alireza (0xAlireza) alireza-gsh
Computer Science B.Sc. | #Blockchain Architect & Activist | Interested in #Cryptography , Daos , Dexs and All Stuff related to Defi @Polkanaut-DAO

@Polkanaut-DAO Web3 & DXB

Wojtek Witkowski pugson
✦ senior ui engineer focused on interaction design ✦ react/react native ✦
@estmcmxci estmcmxci

oakgroup, worldwide.

VenomDrinker sonnyd1982
The world is playing Hunger Games right now. We need a Game of Thrones approach before we regret a lie we believed.

Nostalgic Networks

bloc13k bloc13k
blockchain developer
Kunkka Admiral Kunkka0822
The less code you use, the less there is to break :)
Yehonatan Levi leviyehonatan
Full-Stack web3 and mobile

Jerusalem, Israel

Carl clt

xDJs Seattle

Carlos Guimaraes sekmet
The function of 🚀 good software is to make the 💡 complex appear to be simple ✅.

Open4G Labs Brasil

BAICE libaice
self growing

life-long learning, life-long growing World Citizen

Smart Contract Developer | Solidity | Security | ZK
Brett Henderson bretth18
software engineer & musician. computerdata.eth


Wes Wesleyja
Software Engineer


Francis Booth francisbooth
#music #design #web #tech #IxD Product lead: @cadenzabox Director:

Cadenzabox London, UK

Kyle MacLean Smith bestape
Building reproducing automata via code as the non-halting " Pythagorean metal" version of data. Hierarchical Script Database pending patent published by WIPO.

SeedTreeDB - Founder Salish Archipelago, 2nd & 1st Big Isles South

Dan Fowler djfnd
det finnes ikke dårlig vær bare dårlig klær.