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Jan Kristian Valgijainen ogchibi95
I am a finnish, 29-years old, regular, fun and honest, guy from Kerava. Currently working @keravanmt

T:MI Valgijainen, Jan Kristian Kerava, 04250, Suomi

David J. Schwarz d4s6
Mostly PHP and CSS. Creator of @fontiscss - The Algorithmic CSS Framework.

KNOBLAUCH | @ORG-YOU EU / Germany / BW / Freiburg || Markdorf

Julien Lambé jlambe
Founder of the @themosis studio and creator of the Themosis framework.

Themosis Belgium

Moustafa Elgammal Moustafa-Elgammal
Software Engineer, building backend for Massive Multiplayer Online Games.

Bigpoint GmbH Germany

Hamid Semitala hsemix

Mahad Tech Solutions Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda

Marks Software GmbH MarksSoftwareGmbH
Manufacturer of exclusive Software - Agile Application, Software, and Web Development in C/Cpp, PHP 8+, CakePHP 4+, Laravel 10+, Python, django and Flask.

Marks Software GmbH Germany

Pablo Sanches pablosanches
Software Engineer at GamersClub Brazil

Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Murat Purç muratpurc

Murat Purc it-solutions Germany, Augsburg

Rudger Rud5G
Enthusiastic Cloud Engineer. Automate everything!

@TripleNetworks Rotterdam, NL

Robert Fischer sandoba
Software development by the Berlin specialist since 2002. eBusiness, eCommerce, PHP, Symfony, Shopware, TYPO3, CMS, APIs, Data Science, AI and more.


Daniel Felix itsdanielfelix
Senior Developer and a PHP lover

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Jamison Bryant jamisonbryant
Pipelines inside pipelines

Baltimore, MD, USA

Jascha van Aalst jascha030
Back-end Web developer, from the most beautiful city in the world: Utrecht (hence the 030). (S.O. @MelvinBrem for the 3D Avatar Art.)

@SocialBrothers-nl @WP-Brothers Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ivo Limić ilimic1

@Agilo Kaštela, Split, Croatia

RibeiroLucas LucasRibeiro1024b
I'm a developer honing my skills on backend.

Sobral - CE, Brazil

ashkanfekri ashkanfekridev
is loading ...

iran, gilan, rasht