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Petros Dhespollari peterdsp
Based in Greece, I’m a software engineer, mastering computer engineering & programming languages.

ebiscon GmbH Piraeus, Greece

a coder who has a dream to do something big and lasting value

planet earth

Joseph McElroy jmcelroy01

Student Spaceship Earth

LilPimpn86 FuckStickFunFuck
33 DWF Freelance Journalist Anlyst Cnsltnt Mrktng Blogger, Political Satirist & Commentator, Community Organizer, Podcaster, Radical Activist, Volunteer.

@staywokemedia Indiana USA

Cong Le CongLeSolutionX
iOS Developer | Generative AI | Medium Tech Writer | Computer Science, B.S.


eSh mr-eshua
Reverse Engineer of the Universe


Liaizon Wakest wakest
just a human living in human land

Microsoft needs to drop ICE and any fascist's they are working with ASAP

Deepan Deeps72-ux
Software Development Engineer

Petronet MHB Limited India

Tristan Zand zdrilx Atherton CA - Geneva CH

Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Micael Carvalho MicaelMCarvalho
SW&QA Freelancer Engineer - on Bluesky

Mirazal LDA Portugal

Andie Kobbie andiekobbietks
🚀 IT Operations professional with expertise in technical support, infrastructure management, and cloud computing. Passionate about digital transformation!

FirstGens UK Europe

Clive D osde8info
free libre open source advocate #softdev #sysadmin #devops #devsecops


Thiago Arruda thiagofons
Full-Stack Developer

GoPark Niterói, RJ

Nathan Holm holmnathan
Fullstack Developer, React.js, JavaScript, Python.

San Francisco, CA

Full stack developer and privacy advocate. I like to keep the mentality, if you can program one language well, then you can program in any language!
qunm qunm00


Frank Sträter frankstrater

@beeldengeluid Hilversum

Joe Ross joeross
Civil litigation lawyer. Interested in the collision of law & tech policy. Prone to geekery.

Princeton, NJ, USA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Paz paztoya
Passionate engineer looking to connect and develop applications that help communities. Currently working on an application to do so stay tuned.

Wayyu LLC New York

RIZM design rizm
A screeniac since 1988. … started as pixel artist in the demo scene and dev my skills to a full spectrum graphic designer for all kinds of clients & agencies.

Self-employed Berlin/Germany

Dylan Moreland dylanm312
Front-end developer, tinkerer, IoT enthusiast, Gather fan, singer, audio engineer, son, and friend.

@cisco Mountain View, CA

Rehman Afzal Rehman-942
Website Developer having experience in MERN Stack Development, svelte and Firebase Functions Integration. Interested to work in latest Technologies like AI, NFT

FQ Apparels Pakistan

Jonnie Dangerously (JT) swagopopotamus
BOFH at Slickdeals. Tinkerer. Pretty okay at bikes.

Slickdeals LLC. Las Vegas, NV

Tech · Privacy · Design · Open Source
Rodrigo Leite rleitemartins
X @ _falaqui / comprova_ai / c2beeders / grapeswap / xoomooo / aiosrun btw 0 and 1 things happen #ai #web3 #blockchain #sw

Beeders Everywhere

Nathan Jeffery nuclearpengy
Platform migration specialist, full stack software debugger and machine learning enthusiast. How can I help you?

George, South Africa