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Enthusiastic about Manual QA opportunities
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Doychin Ivanov doychinivanov
Software Developer

NewsUK Sofia, Bulgaria

Yavor Mihaylov myavor

Yotpo SMSBump Sofia, Bulgaria

Davo Ramirez davoweb3
Hi!, I am Davo. I am a Web3 and DLT developer ,also a certified blockchain architect , my main architecture is EVM. Re-Fi, De-Fi and Greentech are my favs.

Blockdata Ibarra

Viktor Stefanov viiktorstefanov
Junior Web Developer

Sofia, Bulgaria

Georgi Parlakov gparlakov
Father and a full stack web developer with .NET and js/ts/angular/rxjs/... Love rxjs.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Dimitar Mitkov dmitkov28

Publicis Groupe Sofia, Bulgaria

Maria Rasheva FlyWithMarie
QA enthusiast


Harry Dobrev hkdobrev
software, activist, loves open source & git ✌️

Sofia, Bulgaria

Stiliyan Goranov segoranov
Software Engineer

Digital Lights

jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Czech Republic, Prague

Mitch MVG47
ты только маме что я в чечне не говори


Hien Phan hienbase

Vietcombit Ho Chi Minh

Veselin Stanchev,Eng. MSc vrstanchev
Eng. MSc @ TU Plovdiv ,Bulgaria.🇧🇬 Passion about 🐧 GNU/Linux OS -> Debian, FOSS. Computer Architectures PhD field. Twitch streamer @vrstanchevLab

vrstanchevLab Online

Georgi St. Lukanov GeorgiLukanov87
Highly motivated student looking to join the IT world as a Intern/Junior Full-stack Python Developer.

Varna, Bulgaria. Valencia, Spain

Iosko Balabozov ibalabozov
University Teacher and Electrical Engineer.

Technical University of Sofia Sofia

Chris chrisauret
Full-stack software developer. Enjoy .Net, ReactJS, & Systems Design.

Object Consulting NSW / QLD / SA

Plamen Petrov plamen5rov
Professional Amateur Sofia, Bulgaria

Milena milenasp

Sofia, Bulgaria

Vasilena Tsacheva vstchv
Full Stack Developer (Frontend Focus)

Sofia, Bulgaria

Bogomil Tsvetkov BogoCvetkov
💻Web3 Security | Web3 Dev Sofia, Bulgaria

Nai dobrata Kata v Banishora GLTdotNS
In short about me - A dedicated and passionate front-end developer driven to create innovative web applications.


MarioMarkov MarioMarkov
Data Scientist, Student in TU Sofia
