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Mateo Gariboglio Mateo-404
Estudiante de Tecnicatura Universitaria en Programación de la UTN FRRa 👨🏻‍🎓

Freelance Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina

Katie P 0xKatie
Too many ideas, endless curiosity, never enough time. Lots of works in progress, but I promise I’ll finish these eventually!
Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Natalia StudentNPD

Santiago de chile

Brandon Files YuFiles
I draw Pikachus in my spare time


gogo100 gogo-100
Alexandre Alexandre-A11

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Sometimes I'm programming, sometimes I'm thinking
gdnkei0 Gdn92
🍵 ❄️ ⛷ learning: Flutter, Unity [C#], Godot [GDScript], React**
Jocelin joceqo
I'm a french frontend developer. I like editors(code or notion like) and knowledge software


Johan Trieloff johan-t
computer science student @TU-Berlin [email protected]

Berlin, Germany

AlpineYahoo alpineyahoo
I'm interested in biology.
LeftLeft Leftzhf
Keep accumulating and keep loving
TΞΞL❍CK Mith!lesh teelock
Barefoot Developer 👣

SwiftTech Finland

Kuranosuke Ohta KuranosukeOhta

Yukikaze-Technology Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

Philipp philipppollmann

Telekom Cologne, Germany

Lakhan Mandloi lakhanmandloi
Senior Frontend Developer


Saul Muñoz Not-Minimal
Apasionado autodidacta, admirador y aprendiz de la tecnología e inversiones.

Autotruck Diesel SpA Chile

Nate Solis coldenate

@remnoteio @catppuccin North America

Ibrahem Ali Alhofe AbrahemAlhofe
I learning, therefore I am. Behind the monitor, explore new technologies, and contribute to the GitHub community

Egypt, Cairo

Elua nymation
Check out the effective altruism and lesswrong forums. They're libraries of valuable advice regarding altruism and rationality.

only nothingness above Norway