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Pratiksha lastoyster
An individual Flabbergasted by advances in web , exploring learning paths one step at a time !

Green Forest

Felix Robert FlixProd
Student from Germany, working on Discord-Bots in Python


Aharon Babel Aharon7
Fullstack Software Developer

Berlin , Germany

Jonas jonasermert

Germany, Thüringen, Erfurt

Dennis Kugelmann IchordeDionysos
Software Engineer @simpleclub

@simpleclub Munich

Jenya snrdrum

Augsburg, Germany

Asad Ullah Khan AsadUllahkhan19
Full-Stack (MEAN/MERN) | HTML5/CSS3 | JavaScript | React/Redux | Angular | SQL | Nodejs | Mongodb | Redis | Firebase

@Mac World Technology

Master's Student

University of Science and Technology of China

Tom Kuschka tomkuschka

@simpleclub Berlin

Aidexe bennetzeizinger
Hi, I'm a aspiring software developer from Germany.
Mohamed Goush MohamedGoush
Flutter Developer


Lukas Bauer luxterful
Software engineer for web applications

YAZIO Würzburg, Germany

Luiz Augusto luiz158

Curitba/PR - Brasil

Maximilian maximilianhofmeister1
Hi 👋, I'm Maximilian.


Daniel Nowak DanielNowak98

@PROLAB-THGA @ Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola

Alex Regier alexregier
Product Owner and Senior Software Engineer @simpleclub. Also tinkering with the web in general, Autonomous driving, Public Transport data and Home Assistant


Sebastian Schneider Sese-Schneider
👨🏽‍💻 Senior Software Engineer

@simpleclub Bavaria, Germany