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Alexandra Cruz AlexandraCruz
I'm a Software Engineer from Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic

Mohamad J. Makki mjmk3
Developer \\ Java\Spring | Golang\Gin-Gonic | MySQL-PostgreSQL-Oracle

Istanbul, Turkey

Simon Von SimonVonXCVII
Hard work is the basic condition.

上海石亭科技有限公司 Shanghai, China

chaicho chaicho


Jearton jearton
Senior Software Engineer

HomeLab Hangzhou

Johnny Miller johnnymillergh
Kotlin Java Engineer ☕| Full-stack programmer (Android, web, backend) 🛠 | Software Engineering at HLJU 🎓 | Dog/cat lover 🐶😺 | Rock, electronic music 🎼

ZA Tech Dalian, P.R.China

Steve Gao foogao
Thing Big, Do Small, Stay focus.

Beijing, China

Noah Wang techwn
Technical with width and depth

China ShangHai