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Marcus Wieder wiederm
Computational Chemistry at OMSF, former PostDoc at @cbc-univie and @choderalab and @Exscientia

Open Molecular Software Foundation Vienna, Austria

ZhangLiChuan ErikZhang-9762
Drug design and Deep learning.
Siddharth Sonti Sonti974948
Chemical Engineering PhD Candidate, UC Davis

University of California, Davis Davis, California

Shivam Pandit Shi30
I am passionate about unraveling the secrets of life's dance, merging science and technology for groundbreaking advancements in drug discovery.

Bangalore , India

Mary Pitman pitmanme
Code home for my former work at: Postdoc: Mobley Lab, MolSSI; PhD: Papoian Lab, NCI/NIH


Jeremy M. G. Leung jeremyleung521
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Chong Lab @ University of Pittsburgh. Former @MolSSI Fellow. Core Developer of @mdtraj and @westpa

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA

Anthony Bogetti AnthonyBogetti
Postdoctoral researcher working jointly in the Dill and Bahar labs at the Laufer Center at Stony Brook University. Working on MD methods and enhanced sampling.

Laufer Center for Physical and Quantitative Biology Stony Brook, NY

Sthitadhi Maiti smaiti7
Computational Chem Ph.D. student

Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

Paulo E. Abreu peabreu
Chemistry professor at University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Departamento de Quimica, Universidade de Coimbra

Nitesh Kumar NKM NKM-ML
ChemTopology, ChemNetworks, Data, Computation, Physics, ML.
Akshay akshay-chenna
PhD student

Chemical Engg, IIT Delhi