Elias Appelqvist
Former math & science teacher, now on a journey to becoming a full-stack web developer. Learning, coding, and building every day!
Gothenburg, Sweden
Jack Svensson
I am currently a student at Yrgo where I study the Web developer program.
I started the program september of 2024.
Poom Yimyuean
Area of Interest: Web Dev, Game Dev, Data Science, Computer Graphics, Web Automation, Functional Programming, Multimedia and Language Learning.
Work from Any Workplace {"Thailand": ["Bangkok", "Surat Thani"]}
Petter Jakobsson
Background working with people in fields such as teaching and healthcare.I stumbled upon the world of coding and got hooked! Intern at Ericsson.
Magnus Vargvinter
I've been working in the graphics industry for more than 20 years. Now it's time to look elsewhere, to take a plunge into the unknown waters of web development.
Gothenburg, Sweden
Marcus Hägerstrand
Gothenburg-based frontend developer and UI/UX designer
Gothenburg, Sweden