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_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
juanchax juanchax
Exploring ideas & crafting solutions. Worst that could happen is I learn something.

Planet Earth

Jakub Miziołek jmiziolek
🌰 Node.js / TypesScript Developer


charles Charleslit
s.w dev @Charleslit

@charles_m Nairobi

Tom van Schaijk tomvanschaijk
Software architect & full-stack engineer Loving high performance & quality code Lifelong learner
DiegoDev DiegoDev2
swd & devops. 15.01.2009. I love Open Source.

Falcón, Venezuela

George Raptis georapbox
Crafting code with character — glitches are just part of the charm.

Allwyn Lottery Solutions Greece

June B juneb125
Rust & open source enthusiast, sucker for pretty software & great documentation 💖
plebhash plebhash
minerops decentralizer PGP: 37DA 6F2F 5996 6316


Jan Langrehr strgalt-t

Schweinfurt, Germany

Pratham Sharma ps173

@codeword-tech India

LazyRiverTurtlee LazyRiverTurtlee
Middle years student and web developer for 21 months.
Gowtham K dovakin0007
wannabe SWE


Tiberiu Toca ReverseZoom2151

University of Bristol Bristol, United Kingdom

yomi4486 yomi4486


Danial Manavi DManavi
Senior Software Engineer | AWS | NodeJS | TypeScript | Python | C# | Azure | React | FullStack developer | Web Developer | IT Consultant


Trent tr-e
Matcha and code 🍵👨‍💻

University Earth

Ricardo Camilo | Programador | React & Vue.js | Frontend ricardo-camilo-programador-frontend-web
🎯 Focused on creating modern web experiences with clean, maintainable code 🏗️ Architecture enthusiast & component-driven development advocate

Open to Work Jaú, Brazil

DXRIUS mxdarius

@mxchines London

Joseph Leskey jleskey
Software writer and developer of speculative fiction. Legendary wheel reinvention record. Also, it's pronounced /jif/. 🍂

@MVNU-Enrollment United States

Michael mirai2k
having fun


Toast ThatOneToast
Don't be afraid, I don't bite. :)


Gleb Haranin GLEF1X
Software engineer

Greater Philadelphia

Marley MarleyS439
Web Developer | PHP | HTML | CSS | JS | JQuery | Java | MySQL |Bash | Linux Systems

Guerra Imóveis Imobiliária Brasil

Xinlu Lai CrazyBoyM
INTP,现创业中,奇绩孵化器投资,shareAI Lab开源组织 Founder,B站up“飞鸟白菜”,关注多模态理解与生成、决策智能,没事写点开源repo。 感兴趣可以联系交个朋友一起讨论技术和哲学!微信:DreamLinus

[email protected]

House of Cybersecurity houseofcybersecurity
Never let anyone tell you that your story isn't worth sharing.

Reverse Engineer - Vulnerability Researcher Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean

Bastin Robin BastinRobin
Chief Data Scientist @CleverInsight #Programmer, #Researcher, #Music Lover #Mentor. Building @letsign, @PredictEasy actively.

CleverInsight Bangalore, Nilgiris