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Otto Hanski OtHanski
Optical Engineer at Zivid

Zivid Oslo, Norway

Carsten Panch Isaksen dk-teknologisk-capi

Teknologisk Institut Odense M, Denmark

Shanmukha shanmukhananda
Software Developer

MathWorks Bengaluru, India


Johns Hopkins University Baltimore

Oben Sustam obensustam2
Robotics Software Engineer

MAX STREICHER Regensburg, Germany

João Santos joao-pm-santos96
MSc in Mechanical Engineer. Post-Grad in Robotics and Intelligent Systems. Currently trying to make robots do smart stuff!


Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

MS mahesh-musashi

Musashi AI Waterloo

SilenceOverflow SilenceOverflow
Robotics / Computer Vision / SLAM

Bay Area

Enrico Civitelli enricivi
PhD | Machine Learning Engineer

Turin, Italy

Matheus Barcelos de Oliveira mathbarc
AI Engineer specialized in Computer Vision, avid for DevOps practices allied to Artificial Intelligence Systems.

@syngenta-digital Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Matias Lavik (马蹄) mlavik1
Software developer at Catenda, formerly Dimension10, Varjo, Kongsberg, Funcom. Codeberg: 微信: mati31415

Catenda Norway

Andrej Rupp AndrejRupp

@Zivid Oslo, Norway

Vaibhav Awale vawale
Working at Zivid

Zivid Oslo

jonas bbmedia

@AOT-AG @diemobiliar Switzerland

UserK GiovanniBalestrieri
When there is a shell there is a way glasgow

Ethan Allan ethan-allan
Robotics PhD Student

University of Strathclyde Glasgow

ルニークバオ RunqiuBao
Mainly working on computer vision and its application in Robotics. Familiar with stereo visual SLAM, 3D detection on RGBD data, etc. ...

University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo